Wednesday, April 23, 2008

If you are looking to see how green you are check out this. According to the chart Rachael and I have a "Heart of Green" which is between "Green Wannabe" and "Full Out Hippie". We are happy to be there.

Mainly we got this way by using safe Natural Cleaning Products, Buying Local (When we can), Recycling (Soon to be Freecycling), and that new wonderful Hybrid "Baobei" in the parking spot outside our apartment.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Human Footprint

Did you know the average person eats 87,000 slices of bread in a lifetime? That's 4800 loaves or $4800 which is enough money to buy 48,000 shares at $.10 a piece in Wonderbread (Interstate Bakery Corporation). Not that you would want to know this or anything, but check it out!

Follow the link and prepare to be amazed!

The show airs at 9pm April 13th on the National Geographic Channel